The silent war on Motherhood has reached breaking point.
For decades the public has laboured (conservatively) under the government fed indoctrinating propaganda that single mothers are a dangerous scourge; that children raised by single mothers are from ‘broken’ homes and most importantly, single mothers create disadvantaged and under performing (criminal) children in society.
This insidious drip fed narrative, bolstered predominantly by government spun ideology, reframed with cherry-picked and bastardised ‘research and science’ is pseudoscience. There are some facts that are easy to unpick and some lacking empirical data confirmation. The government’s and courts refuse to release the data publicly that would upend their social experiment as being “Gender neutral” but strong indicators suggest it’s conclusive.
Under PM David Cameron’s government a new un-mined interest was pushed across the Atlantic on child protection, family laws and psychological concepts. Some of these psychological concepts are recognised by the British Psychological Society as being newly present here from 1992 onwards. And with them came an onslaught of profiteering and potential revenue streams for anyone who was smart enough to move into child protection and family breakdown/divorce services. Think Tanks were created by Sir Iain Duncan-Smith to use this American based ‘research’, to bring these concepts and ideas to the UK.
Carefully selected extreme conservatives (right-wing Christian Right fundamentalists) created masses of UK ‘research’ (AKA opinion papers that look official and sound too horrendous to ignore,) to promote and incubate this new thinking on our most basic social constructs; family and parenting and critically to destroy autonomous and safe motherhood.
By bringing in the future star players of the Parental Alienation lobby and more importantly the future heads of childrens services, like CAFCASS chief Jacky Tiotto, government and state departments were infiltrated at every level, in the same way AFCC infiltrated the U.S courts and services to great success and fantastic outcome. Many of the most hardened PA “Experts”, solicitors firms, that are extremely pro-PA and anti-feminist all came from Centre For Social Justice. Now we have centres hatching more right-wing and gender bias psychologists, such as Tavistock, Family Separation Clinic, Family Attachment Consultantcy, Absolute Forensic Assessments, and the hot bed institution at the centre of this is Roehampton University. Connection between all these key players and how they have risen, uninhibited, unchecked and without resistance through to the highest places of policy is by government and situational design. Most are now in the top positions of child and legal services including Social Work England and CAFCASS, one recently gained peerage into House Of Lords.
It is important to know the origins of this political design if it is to be understood by the public as seriously impacting to them and all children across the UK. In the early nineties it was globally noticed that there appeared to be a backlash to Feminism. In the wake of the first major women’s rights battles fought in the 1970’s (jobs, property rights, contraception etc), the glass-ceilings seen smashed and the rise of the power-woman executive of the eighties, Girl Power movement indicative of the Spice Girl phenomenon peaked. Books and notable female journalists began to talk about the backwards steps beginning, stealthily reversing the apparent women’s rights gains. Margret Atwood wrote the chilling dystopian novel The Handmaids Tale during this turning of tide time — why? Because the writing was suddenly on the wall.
This has been slowly happening since Roe vs Wade was first introduced and tragically recently reversed. It was the abortion rights which provided women elective and autonomous power over their own bodies and reproductive faculties where men took the greatest, hardest umbrage.
Those who birth the human race ultimately have control over it — never be mistaken as to why your reproductive rights and motherhood are under such oppressive attack and forceful control. This is not accidental or by chance.
Within a matter of moments patriarchy began a concerted campaign against women who chose to raise their children either apart from abusive fathers or altogether alone. They had lost control of women and they saw this as a dangerously steep slippery slope that needed drastic over-correction and total policy control. The Conservative ideologies went into overdrive to paint the darkest picture of women and single mothers taking over the world and destroying all men in their path. Sounds too extremist to be true?
“John Major’s Back to Basics campaign drew derision and ridicule as the sleaze that came to define his government surfaced. The social background to his message — the relentless rise of family breakdown, single motherhood and welfare dependency that followed on from the sex revolution — was forgotten. The Tories never recovered; nor did they ever face the full extent of the social breakdown that accompanied the sex revolution. Step by step, they surrendered to Leftism’s and feminism’s anti-marriage and pro-state stance.”
(written by Kathy Gyngell, business partner and lifetime friend of David Keighley and Melanie Gill, entitled ‘The final front in the war on Men’ for The Conservative Woman, published 2017)
The conservative voice and message here is that all women want is to erase men and are ruining children’s lives doing it. This level of media coverage and publications have been enormous from both David Keighley, Kathy Gyngell and Melanie Gill, along with the likes of Karen and Nick Woodall, Families need Fathers and F4J. The hate speech went into overdrive. We are now seeing the full effects of the fruits of their labours.
The Mia Farrow and Woody Allen documentary charts the first known publicly applied psychological concepts, now a cornerstone of divorce with children — attack the other parent and deny everything, create a false victim narrative as the abuser. It gained global attention whilst providing a lightbulb moment to any unscrupulous and cunning lawyer, social worker or ‘psychologist’ working with children. The American Family Conciliatory Courts (AFCC) took this embryonic psychological concept and ran hard with it all the way to anyone who would listen. The concept of Parental Alienation had a crash landing into the public media via Woody Allen sexually abusing his own children, every abusive man saw the beautiful benefits of this concept. It erased any abuse and regained full control (and punishment) of their victims and children.
Why was it so powerful and the perfect weapon of mass destruction of Women’s Rights? Because it’s an untested ‘theory’, an excuse, it is invisible yet manipulatively applicable to every interaction of mothering. The key component of Parental Alienation is the complete inability to disprove it. Parental Alienation is used exclusively by abusers to alter perception of opinion masqueraded conveniently as fact.
It is a tried and tested method of persecution of women, going back as far the witch-trials is to decry her as ‘crazy’. It has worked for centuries globally, why reinvent the wheel? It’s modern application is supported by mental health industries, Big Pharma and government interest to suppress women rising to true equality. Incapacity to motherhood is the forceful explanation to pathologise traumatised women told they either should or need to be medicated and therapised to accept they didn’t suffer abuse from their partners and that they are bad mothers who cannot look after their own children. It can’t be proven or seen due to it being entirely based upon “psychology” and mental health.
Five years ago was the first time I was told of cases of the fraudulent expert, Melanie Gill, who has no valid qualifications to be destroying mothers and children’s lives, very little truth within her CV, no valid DBS at the time, not even a truthful employment history- it was The Emperors New Clothes in plain sight. However the government and family courts, Sir Andrew MacFarlane are simply refusing to take criminal action for fraud, negligence, perjury and huge psychological lifelong damage to all her victims. Because she, like many others, has risen through the preferential channels and is responsible for removing children from mothers in almost every single one of her hundreds of cases. Now the Naked Emperor analogy is synonymous with the entire family justice system. It’s a mockery. The Judges and Systems are naked of truth and purpose, all that can see it for what it is are labelled crazy!
Children have become the easiest way to target exploitation of the female population. Laws, guidance and policies have been fixated on the return of patriarchal power for decades now and the infiltration of a weapon to severe and transfer children from mothers directly to fathers has an infinite list of male benefits.
Research was created, prolifically government funded, part-baked and steeped in gendered bias. It fed directly into parallel tandem with the fundamentalist, christian rights and religious ideologies of Men being the head of the family. The likes of The Marriage Foundation, Mothers at Home Matter, elite groups run by radicalised deep agenda to revert women and mothers to a place of subservient submission. Anything that could be used to support why single mothers were dangerous was regurgitated and published. Bruce Perry, an eminent and well respected developmental researcher made a public request to the UK government think-tank, CSJ, convened by Sir Iain Duncan-Smith to stop abusing and dangerously misquoting his research on brain development in children.
The Centre for Social Justice were abusing his original research on the effects of severe neglect and deprivation of basic liberties on young children. They explicitly implied, creating horrific and shocking public campaigns, that the lack of brain development that occurred in these most severe cases of child brutality and torture were also applicable to children growing up in single mother households and without fathers! A child chained in a basement and without human contact was equated to a lone mother working two jobs and making ends meet in terms of damage to the children developmentally. Apples and Oranges doesn’t even come close, it was like comparing dogs and pencil sharpeners and drawing similar conclusions!
Fathers sick of paying child maintenance to children they didn’t or wouldn’t see took this psychological concept to the heart of their campaigning. Fathers for Justice and Families Need Fathers sprang up and their favourite weapon against any mother was the double-barrel shotgun of Parental Alienation and “she’s crazy”. It is the perfect combination when used in conjunction, it was pushed into mainstream media, policies and laws in a short time. It created a truth vortex in the family courts, if the children or their mothers mentioned any type of abuse it could be instantly chalked up to false and vindictive allegations, Mothers mental health and “brainwashed” children. Everything victims said can be washed away in one bleaching sweep of ‘Parental Alienation’. If the mother had any kind of adverse mental health in her life history, a spot of post-partum depression, some anxiety or medicated with anything psychologically relevant (Especially domestic abuse,) that was proof-positive that she was guilty of manipulation, histrionic disorders, hysterical, unstable, untrustworthy, unreliable and a danger to the children. It didn’t matter how vague or tenuous these mental health issues could be or how old; I have seen a woman attending a sexual health clinic some 15 years prior as ‘proof of sexually reckless behaviour indicating a poor lack of judgement’. No GP conversation is off limits to tying it to the proof against the mothers competency. This is absolute standard practice and procedure in every single family breakdown dispute regarding children now. That alone should exemplify how dangerous this is and the “experts” that claim to work exclusively in parental alienation and family breakdown are. Any mother who has ever had any mental health issue or any trauma in their life- specifically domestic abuse, this is seen as the inciting incident of her mental health decline. They are almost certainly pathologised and labelled with a mental health diagnosis of how they have a personality disorder or lack of parenting capacity, usually both.
Second prong of this attack worked in direct sync with the first, that the proof of any mental health adversities could prove that she was parentally alienating the father. Parental Alienation proves mental disorder, and mental disorder proves Parental Alienation acccording to Fathers Rights and the patriachy. The only ‘cure’ for this ‘psychological harm’ is to remove the mothers children from her — for their own desperate safety and protection its abusively claimed. It is also referred to cleverly as child-abuse, a cornerstone of propaganda is verbose and grandiose exaggeration, in order to illicit the deepest fears in any listener, regardless of if they are a social worker or a Judge. The term of child-abuse will always conjure up the worst images in anyones head — however the radical parental alienation fundamentalists say that this form of ‘child-abuse’ is entirely as damaging and equal to sexual and physical violence of the most extreme atrocities imaginable. One Parental Alienation expert said that Parental Alienation was AS severe as the raping of a small child in terms of the damage and trauma it causes. I have engaged with an alarming amount of radicals in the UK who maintain this incomprehensible comparison as being factually true. It is sacrilegious dogma in the PA community that it is ‘Child-Abuse of the very worst kind and should be criminalised and punished with severe custodial sentencing’. Again they are comparing monkeys and peanuts as being the same, a tactic as old as the bible, everything you cannot see can be explained as meaning the way we say it is.
In fact the theorist behind Parental Alienation as a term and concept was very much about re-educating society to see that child/adult sexual interactions were perfectly normal and should not be frowned upon! A story for another day but the PA community tried their hardest to distance themselves from this US based origin story. However much they try it is still absolutely true and more shocking than it is believable.
The UK courts and justice systems are often just a few years behind the US legislation and trends within it and before long American based psychologists and experts were tapping into the next unconquered territory, the UK courts and justice system. Having been proved to be a silver bullet in bitter divorce cases for Men, especially abusive men, this was a gold-rush just waiting to happen. Until this point many fathers and abusive men were simply cut out of their childrens’ lives, didn’t see their children and had little legal recourse to alter that. The rise of the internet, social media and connectivity of the global society played an enormous part in this common practice of mothers leaving with their children, being more discussed and more topical with the abortion rights and gender equality gaps closing. Women who could support themselves financially and were not shunned for being unmarried are an enormous threat to global patriarchy . We have to appreciate those times and their signs are now largely obsolete and forgotten, our understanding of children, their visibility and parenting choices has expanded and grown at an exponential and rapid rate. No one advocates for cutting off a parent without exceedingly good reason first these days. We have mostly accepted the gender equality of duel parenting and presence of fathers as undoubtedly beneficial for children. So why is there more venomous attack on motherhood, single mother families and working divorced mothers than ever before?
What Parental Alienation ideology delivers is an infinite resource to undermine motherhood, no matter what she says or does it can be reframed and retold for the “alternative facts”. It is happening here in the UK court systems far more than the general public is aware. It is at pandemic proportions and not to be ignored or underestimated. I don’t know of any cases in the current court system that are victims of domestic violence that aren’t facing parental alienation allegations. Each one is bolstered by the likes of Fathers for Justice and rogue charlatans posing as Parental Alienation experts. We also know that a significant percentage of those allegations by perpetrators (almost three quarters) result in the removal of the children from their mothers, by the fathers. One could very well be nodding that this is a hugely successful strategy to punish women for leaving relationships and fathers, because it is. There is no mental health discrimination law being applied liberally and widely to rebuke the fact that any adverse mental health of any kind does not a bad mother make!!! Nor that because someone says “it is, because I say so” does not a legal argument make either!
GREVIO and EDVAW are poised to see the UK join the other elected member states to conform to the Istanbul Convention on November 1st this year and the United Nations is fully decrying the use of Parental Alienation as a weapon of harm being exploited by every abusers against all mothers in family courts. so what and who is going to tell the UK Courts that time is up on this filthy practice? The abused victim mothers and their lost children cannot take any more illegal torture and collectively demand reparative justice.